Appeals and Litigation

Errors and Omissions Litigation

Errors and Omissions (E & O) insurance is intended to cover professionals. All businesses and business owners who are involved in the production or delivery of goods, products, and services are advised to consider the protections available through the various types of E & O coverages provided by the insurance industry. Insurance agents provide essential service to individuals, families, and businesses by helping them find and obtain proper insurance protection. Recommendations that agents make for policies can come back as a liability in the event a client feels that an agent was mistaken in their judgment. Clients facing a major problem with an insurance policy, or lack thereof, can file a lawsuit against an insurance agent, endangering their career, income, and possessions.

The amount of exposure an insurance company and the insured face are dependent upon the type of business and the nature of the underlying claim. With so many variables, it is important to have a lawyer with a thorough understanding of insurance law and the business world. At Cummings, McClorey, Davis & Acho, P.L.C. (CMDA), our lawyers handle countless disputes involving professional liability and the insurance industry. We serve as both legal counselors and litigators in order to provide the maximum protection for our clients.

Given the complexity and pace of today’s business climate, any professional can commit an oversight or technical error- and many are wrongfully accused of negligence. Whether a claim has merit or can be proven invalid, it is essential to work with experienced lawyers focused on protecting each client’s integrity and reputation as well as the bottom line.

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