CMDA Law Blogs

Kazim Wins Case in Michigan Court of Appeals

Haider A. Kazim, an attorney in our Traverse City office, recently won a case in the Michigan Court of Appeals. In this case, the Court of Appeals in a precedent setting decision ruled that a municipality lacks standing to sue on behalf of its residents. The case involved an appeal of a decision of a local county zoning board of appeals to the County Circuit Court by the township. At […]

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Vinson Wins Discrimination Case

Ethan Vinson, a Partner in the Firm’s Livonia office, recently won a discrimination case. In this case, an African-American female was employed by a local municipality as an Equipment Manager for nine years. She was the only African-American and female in this position. She alleged race discrimination, sex discrimination and retaliation in violation of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act and Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act. On March […]

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