Occupational Safety and Health Act: New Rules for Injury and Illness Reporting

The workplace environment is governed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).  The United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration recently issued a final order that will require employers and many high-hazard industries to electronically submit injury and illness data to OSHA.  Such reporting is already required to be tracked, but the reporting aspect of such injury or illness is what is new. The new rule […]

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Changes in Overtime Rules for Michigan Employers

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has changed the overtime rules for certain salaried workers, which will be applicable to Michigan employers.  The changes are to be implemented on December 1, 2016.  Michigan business owners need to start planning now in order to avoid scrambling in November.  Many Michigan closely held businesses classify salaried employees as being exempt from the overtime rules as a means of controlling payroll costs.  An […]

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Sixth Circuit Holds Dismissal of Firefighter’s Retaliation Complaint

On June 22, 2016, the Sixth District Court of Appeals unanimously issued a decision and order affirming the United States District Court’s dismissal of a firefighter’s two count retaliation complaint against a local municipality, four former and current Trustees, and the Fire Chief. Plaintiff, who is of Asian descent, submitted an application for the vacant Fire Chief position to the township Board of Trustees. During an open board meeting on […]

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U.S. Department of Labor Releases Final Overtime Rules

The Department of Labor recently released the final rules regarding the payment of overtime to employees, governed by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  While the new rules were to go into effect in June of 2015, a large number of modifications changed the original draft, and the final rules are now made effective December 1, 2016.  This will allow employers the opportunity to anticipate the broad changes that will […]

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Attorney’s “FSLA Final Rule and its Impact on the Government Employer” Article Featured in MIPRIMA Publication

The June 2016 publication of the Michigan Public Risk Management Association (MIPRIMA) features an article written by Suzanne Bartos, an attorney in our Livonia office.  The informative article outlines the recently released rules regarding the payment of overtime to employees and its impact on the government employer. To read the complete article, please click here. Suzanne P. Bartos is an attorney in our Livonia office where she focuses her practice […]

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An Employee’s Motivation is No Longer Determinative in a Whistleblower Protection Claim

The Michigan Supreme Court has recently held that the employee’s motivation is no longer a determining factor in whether the Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) protects the employee from an adverse employment action. Since the underlying purpose of the Act is to protect the public, municipalities are most vulnerable to a WPA claim. If government officials, who are bound to serve the public and violate laws, designed to protect the public, […]

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Employee Handbooks are Essential for Small Businesses

Clients frequently question the value of preparing an employee handbook.  Many small business owners do not provide employees with an updated, legally-sound handbook due to the anticipated time needed to develop it and/or the belief that it is not necessary since they have good relations with their employees.  Providing all employees with information on the company’s policies and guidelines, employee programs, attendance rules, and other work-related rules is one of […]

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Employers Face More Compliance Challenges

This past January, the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency (MUI) mailed a new determination to employers – Form UIA 6367, Notice of Determination of Employer Charging (Notice). The MUI uses this form to notify employers that they have the potential to be charged for (unemployment) claims for which the employer does not provide timely or adequate information in the calendar year. Michigan law provides that if an employer or its agent […]

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2015 Year in Review: Monumental Milestone Recognized, Skilled Attorneys Hired, and Remarkable Anniversaries Celebrated

As a new year is upon us, we reflect back on 2015 and the successful year we had at CMDA. We recognized a monumental milestone, hired several attorneys, and celebrated some remarkable anniversaries. CMDA was honored to have celebrated our 50th Anniversary in 2015. This monumental anniversary would not have been possible without Owen Cummings, the founder of the Firm.  Mr. Cummings had a vision of developing a Firm whose […]

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Should Michigan Employers “Ban the Box” and Remove the Criminal Conviction Question from Applications?

On November 2, 2015, President Barack Obama announced a new executive order to “Ban the Box,” which is a check off on federal job applications that requires job applicants to disclose their criminal conviction history on the face of the application. This initial disclosure often causes employers to eliminate applicants before ever considering their qualifications. Background investigations will still occur, but at the federal level, agencies will delay inquiries into […]

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