Collection of Accrued Interest Not Allowed in the Absence of a Written Contract Provision

A common query posed to collection attorneys by their small business clients is whether, upon the default of a standard contract agreement, the client will receive the “benefit of the bargain” and be made whole as part of the collection process. Many business agreements have not been drafted in a comprehensive manner, nor with the aid of competent legal counsel. As a result, an often-raised question is whether accrued interest […]

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Donut Gate Scandal Closes – Court of Appeals Dismisses Judge’s Lawsuit Against Lapeer County and its Officials

Konschuh v. Turkelson, et al. (Lapeer County Circuit Court No. 17-050850-CL(H); Oakland County Circuit Court No. 17-SC0045-SC; Michigan Court of Appeals No. 349041) is a unique and highly-contentious case that involved a circuit court judge who filed suit against Lapeer County and several of its officials. Judge Byron Konschuh – who remains a sitting judge at the Lapeer County Circuit Court – was charged with embezzlement related charges for depositing […]

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Summary Disposition Granted in Condominium Association Case

Joel Ashton, a partner in our Livonia office, recently had a case dismissed for a Condominium Association on summary disposition pursuant to MCR 2.116(C)(8) in the Oakland County Circuit Court. In this case, a disgruntled condominium owner represented himself in his quest to obtain a preliminary injunction to avoid the imminent March 2020 election of three directors to the Board of Directors or, alternatively, to set aside the results of […]

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Marcella Angelosanto Recipient of Michigan Lawyer’s Weekly Unsung Legal Hero Award

Please join us in congratulating our Firm Administrator, Marcella Angelosanto, who was named to the 2020 class of Unsung Legal Heroes by Michigan Lawyers Weekly. The award “honors law firm employees who have consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty, often behind the scenes. It is reserved for the state’s most talented and dedicated legal support professionals.” Below is the paragraph the Firm submitted on why she should […]

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Michigan Governor’s Executive Orders Highlight the Importance of Having a Power of Attorney

Media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic is replete with horror stories about assisted living residents being on “lock-down” and unable to visit with loved ones. People have been avoiding the hospital because they have been told that they will “die alone.” This is primarily because hospitals and congregate care facilities have misunderstood Governor Whitmer’s Executive Orders. Executive Order 2020-72 and Executive Order 2020-108 have been replaced by Executive Order 2020-136, […]

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What do the Changes to Michigan’s Auto Insurance Law Mean for You?

The most significant amendments to the Michigan No-Fault law take effect on July 1, 2020. For the past year, the headlines have been filled with news about changes to the Michigan auto insurance law. There has been repeated mention of the expense of automobile insurance and the need for reform. What do the changes mean for you, your family or your business? We may not give it much thought, but […]

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The Use of Lady Bird Deeds to Convey Life Estate Interests in Land

One of the most common requests from clients to probate practitioners is when an individual, upon their passing, wishes to transfer ownership in real property outside of probate proceedings while preserving present control and use of the land.  The utilization of certain deeds as an estate-planning tool to accomplish that goal – affectionately known as “Lady Bird” deeds – is available only in a few states, including Michigan.  This type […]

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Acho Quoted in NY Times Regarding NFL Players Return to Training Camp During Pandemic

Jim Acho, a partner in our Livonia office is a sought-after interview subject on sports law topics. As a practitioner of sports law at CMDA and professor of sports law at Madonna University, Jim routinely speaks on radio shows and to newspapers on topics relating to the health and welfare of retired NFL and MLB players. As such, he has been interviewed by the New York Times several times. Most […]

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USPTO Unveils IP Platform to Connect Innovators of New Products and Technologies for the Prevention, Treatment, and Diagnosis of COVID-19 with Potential Licensees

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently unveiled a web-based intellectual property (IP) marketplace platform to provide the public with a searchable source of patents and published patent applications related to the COVID-19 pandemic that are available for licensing. The new platform, Patents 4 Partnerships, will help facilitate the licensing and commercialization of innovations in key areas of technologies and disseminate valuable patent information. The platform could assist […]

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Joel Ashton Featured Speaker at NAIFA Auto No-Fault Reform Zoom Conference

Joel Ashton, a partner in our Livonia office, was a featured speaker at the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors’ (NAIFA) Auto No-Fault Reform Conference that was held by Zoom due to the Stay at Home and Work Remotely Executive Orders.  His presentation focused on an update to the amendments to the Michigan No-Fault Act. The next phase of the Michigan No-Fault amendments take effect for policies issued or […]

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