Employment and Labor Law

Unfair Labor Practice Charges before Administrative Agencies

Our Firm has practiced extensively before administrative agencies, including the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC), National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and federal and state departments of labor.

Our representation of clients before the MERC includes unfair labor practice charges against governmental entities, community colleges, and mental health authorities. Our specialized knowledge and skill that makes us successful at MERC, mirrors our winning experience at the NLRB on the private sector side. Our attorneys have represented auto suppliers, grocery chains, distributors, and manufacturers in defeating charges alleging discharges for union activities, alleged refusals to bargain after implementation of last best offer, violations of employees’ rights to engage in protected concerted activities in union campaigns, and identification of appropriate bargaining units.

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