Firm News

CMDA Attorney Attends Congressional Hearing on Behalf of Retired NFL Players

CMDA’s Jim Acho was asked to appear on behalf of the NFL Alumni Association at a Congressional hearing on the prevention and treatment of concussions in the NFL on January 4, 2010. Acho attended the hearing as the attorney representing former players, some of whom testified before Congress as witnesses, including longtime CMDA client and NFL Hall of Fame player Lem Barney, whose testimony was called “riveting” by the Associated […]

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Kazim Wins Case in Michigan Court of Appeals

Haider A. Kazim, an attorney in our Traverse City office, recently won a case in the Michigan Court of Appeals. In this case, the Court of Appeals in a precedent setting decision ruled that a municipality lacks standing to sue on behalf of its residents. The case involved an appeal of a decision of a local county zoning board of appeals to the County Circuit Court by the township. At […]

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Vinson Wins Discrimination Case

Ethan Vinson, a Partner in the Firm’s Livonia office, recently won a discrimination case. In this case, an African-American female was employed by a local municipality as an Equipment Manager for nine years. She was the only African-American and female in this position. She alleged race discrimination, sex discrimination and retaliation in violation of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act and Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act. On March […]

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