CMDA Law Blogs

Google Glass: Use of wearable technology in the workplace creates the need for updated workplace policies

Wearable technology is becoming more and more present in our technologically-based society. Google Glass is “smart eyewear” featuring a small computer built into a pair of glasses. Google Glass functions much like a smartphone, but users see a visual display in their line of vision and operate the device with voice commands. The glasses provide a hands-free way to be fully connected to technology at all times. After being in […]

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New Tools for Consumers in the Fight Against Identity Theft and Credit Report Errors

In the wake of the Great Recession, which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, a flurry of federal legislation was enacted to provide support for consumers.  The Fair Credit Reporting Act, which became effective July 21, 2010, was amended to provide for “one-call fraud alerts.”  Under this amendment, if you believe you have become a victim of identity theft, you may call […]

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Bill Would Allow Strip Searches for Misdemeanor Crimes

In a 2012 decision, the Supreme Court evaluated the constitutionality of jail policies that required all inmates, including inmates suspected of minor offenses, to undergo routine strip searches prior to their admission to the general inmate population. Several organizations comprised of jail officials, among others, submitted amicus curiae briefs in which they outlined the risks that accompany the admission of inmates to the general population. Deferring to their judgment and […]

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Immigration: The Effect of Slyusar v. Holder on the “Incredible” REAL ID Act

What was the exact date of your first hair cut?  If you cannot remember and you are an asylum applicant, you may have just earned yourself a deportation order back to the country you were fleeing.  Under the REAL ID Act of 2005 (Act), Immigration Judges (IJ) have an “incredible” amount of power and latitude when making credibility determinations.  With the implementation of the Act, any inconsistency in an applicant’s story is reason […]

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Our Thoughts are with the Bieniewicz Family

John Bieniewicz, a married father of two sons ages 9 and 13, was refereeing an adult-league soccer match in Livonia, MI on Sunday when authorities said a 36-year-old player punched him in the head, knocking him unconscious.  He passed away on Tuesday, July 1. Attorney Jim Acho was a classmate of John’s at Catholic Central High School and a close friend for 30 years. Jim explains, “He’s a fantastic human […]

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Contributing to a Roth IRA through a Backdoor Option

Many high income earners believe they cannot contribute to a Roth IRA because of the income limitations imposed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).  There is a backdoor route high income earners can take, however, to accomplish the same thing as opening a Roth IRA directly. For 2014, the income and contribution limits for a Roth IRA are as follows: Filing Status ModifiedAdjusted Gross Income ContributionLimit Married, Filing Jointly ˂ $181,000 Up to […]

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Crowdfunding Bill Intended to Assist Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

On December 30, 2013, Governor Snyder signed into law Public Act 264, Michigan Invests Locally Exemption (MILE), which permits crowdfunding for small business. It is an intrastate exemption from the State of Michigan and Federal securities laws, whereby Michigan residents can invest in Michigan businesses. Crowdfunding refers to funding a company by selling a small amount of equity to a large number of investors. Michigan is one of the first […]

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Attorney Profiled as Crain’s American Dreamer

In many ways, Metro Detroit was built by the hopes and dreams of people from other countries.  The June 2, 2014 edition of Crain’s Detroit Business included an “American Dreamers” feature highlighting local immigrants who have had business success.  Ronald Acho, co-founder of the Firm, was nominated and selected to be recognized as one of those people. Mr. Acho’s family fled Iraq when he was four years old to escape […]

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Attorney Profiled as Crain’s American Dreamer

In many ways, Metro Detroit was built by the hopes and dreams of people from other countries. The June 2, 2014 edition of Crain’s Detroit Business included an “American Dreamers” feature highlight local immigrants who have had business success. Ronald Acho, co-founder of the Firm, was nominated and selected to be recognized as one of those people. Mr. Acho’s family fled Iraq when he was four years old to escape […]

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Claims against County Prosecutor Dismissed; Immunity Applied

Greg Grant from our Traverse City office recently defended a Michigan county prosecutor in a civil case in Circuit Court. The plaintiff in the case was a former criminal defendant who was charged with felony animal cruelty after it was alleged by a complaining witness that the plaintiff shot her dog multiple times with a pistol.  The plaintiff vehemently denied the allegations.  The plaintiff was found not guilty at the […]

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