Marcella Angelosanto Recipient of Michigan Lawyer’s Weekly Unsung Legal Hero Award

Marcella Angelosanto Recipient of Michigan Lawyer’s Weekly Unsung Legal Hero Award

Please join us in congratulating our Firm Administrator, Marcella Angelosanto, who was named to the 2020 class of Unsung Legal Heroes by Michigan Lawyers Weekly. The award “honors law firm employees who have consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty, often behind the scenes. It is reserved for the state’s most talented and dedicated legal support professionals.”

Below is the paragraph the Firm submitted on why she should be named an Unsung Legal Hero:

Marcella Angelosanto has worked in the area of law for over 25 years. As Firm Administrator for Cummings, McClorey, Davis & Acho, P.L.C., she is responsible for overseeing the administrative operations of the Firm. Marcella is courteous and respectful to everyone she interacts with. She has the keen ability to anticipate areas of concern and quickly devise a resolution. She leads by example and employees appreciate her help, compassion and interest. Since joining our Firm last year, she is the first to congratulate someone on a success, celebrate a birthday or lend a sympathetic ear. The coronavirus pandemic has brought unforeseen new responsibilities for her, many of which are far beyond her typical job description. She has taken on these new challenges professionally and flawlessly, which is a testament to her attention to detail and willingness to go above and beyond for our Firm.


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