Jim Acho Obtains No Cause ($0) Verdict From Federal Jury for Defense Client

Last week, a federal jury in Detroit returned a no cause verdict in favor of Jim Acho’s client after a 5-day trial. The case is Jacob Branham v. City of Allen Park PD, et al. The City, PD, police officer and Wayne County prosecutor were all dismissed on motion for summary judgment on qualified immunity. However, the individual private citizen defendant was forced to trial without the availability of that immunity. Trial […]

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Michigan’s New Renewable Energy Siting Law and its Implications on Municipalities

Governor Gretchen Whitmer previously signed House Bill 5120 (now Public Act 233 of 2023) into law in November 2023. The regulations, which specifically affect municipalities and developers, create a new siting path for utility-scale wind, solar, and energy storage facilities with the Michigan Public Service Commission (“MPSC”) and become effective on November 29, 2024. Once effective, it is critical that clean energy developers and municipalities become familiar with this new […]

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Kristen Rewa Obtains Dismissal of Employment Discrimination Lawsuit

Kristen Rewa, a partner in our Grand Rapids office, recently obtained dismissal of an employment discrimination lawsuit on behalf of a county and sheriff. The plaintiff, a former deputy, filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging sex discrimination and retaliation against her former employer. She alleged that she experienced a culture of sexism and hostility, incidents of inappropriate behavior from a supervisor, difficulties in receiving backup on calls, reassignment of […]

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Cross Wins Dismissal for Municipality in Marijuana Case

Matthew Cross, a partner in CMDA’s Traverse City office, recently defended a Southeast Michigan municipality against a lawsuit filed by an applicant who was unsuccessful in obtaining a license to sell marijuana in the municipality. The Court granted summary disposition on Plaintiff’s claims under the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act and the Open Meetings Act, dismissing the case in its entirety. Mr. Cross focuses his practice in the […]

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Paletta and Cervantes Present at MPR Annual Fall Conference

Jacklyn Paletta and Joshua Cervantes, both partners in CMDA’s Kansas City office, were presenters at the Midwest Public Risk (MPR) 40th Anniversary Annual Members Meeting & Fall Conference held at the Branson Conference Center in Branson, Missouri. Their presentation, “Significant Developments in Governmental Law during 2022-2023,” provided MPR members with recent updates in the law, insight into legal trends, as well as offering practical tips and best practices for entities […]

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Partner Matthew Cross Returns to CMDA

We are pleased to announce that a familiar face is back in the Firm’s Traverse City office. Please join us in welcoming Matthew W. Cross back to CMDA. Matt Cross is a partner in our Traverse City office where he focuses his practice in the areas of insurance defense litigation, law enforcement defense and litigation, and municipal law. Matt has experience handling employment law, personal injury defense, marijuana licensing litigation, […]

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Grant Wins Federal Police Case After Lengthy Litigation

Greg Grant of the Traverse City Office defended an Upper Peninsula sheriff’s deputy in a case that lasted 5½ years with multiple Sixth Circuit appeals. The plaintiff was visiting her husband, an inmate in a Michigan prison, when she claimed she was falsely accused of passing contraband during a kiss. As a consequence, the plaintiff’s vehicle was searched and marijuana was discovered. Later, more marijuana was found in her hotel […]

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Grant Wins Dismissal for Utility in Electrical Shock Case

Greg Grant of the Traverse City office recently obtained dismissal on behalf of a large utility company in a case that was litigated for over four years. The plaintiff in the case alleged negligence after she was electrocuted while inside of her vehicle when it came into contact with a low-hanging power line during a severe thunderstorm in Northern Michigan. The evidence demonstrated that a tree branch had fallen on […]

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Grant and Rewa Earn Dismissal in U.P. Police Case

Greg Grant and Kristen Rewa recently obtained a dismissal in a U.P. circuit court on summary disposition. In the case, the plaintiff sued a county sheriff’s office detective after he was arrested on charges of felony intimidation of a witness and assault and battery based on the detective’s investigation. The plaintiff was bound over to circuit court after a preliminary examination in district court. However, the circuit court quashed the […]

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Michigan Expands Protected Categories under the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act

On March 16, 2023 Governor Whitmer signed Senate Bill 4, which expands the language of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” to the law’s list of protected categories. Public Act No. 6 of 2023 takes effect 90 days after enactment. Originally passed in 1976, ELCRA “prohibits discriminatory practices, policies, and customs in the exercise of those rights based upon religion, race, […]

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