Recent Michigan Court of Appeals Decision Holds in Favor of Condominium Association’s Amendment of its Bylaws to Preclude Short-Term Rentals

In the case of Highfield Beach at Lake Michigan v. Sanderson, the Michigan Court of Appeals recently ruled on the issue of enforceability of a condominium Bylaw which affected short-term rentals of units. The ruling effectively negated the plan of a new unit owner to use his condominium for rental to vacationers. As a result, the Association was successful in its efforts to limit the types of rentals allowed, similar […]

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Attorneys Participate in CAI Conference and Expo

Attorneys from the Firm’s Community Association and Real Estate Law practice group are at the Community Associations Institute (CAI) Annual Conference and Expo today, Friday, March 6.  If you are attending the Conference, please plan on stopping by CMDA’s booth (#807).  We look forward to sharing information on the various legal services our Firm’s Community Association and Real Estate Law practice group provides.

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Dealing with Vexatious Litigants in Community Association Matters

Vexatious litigants bother, embarrass and/or cause legal expenses to the defendant and can be a costly problem in today’s legal system. Vexatious litigation is becoming more common in the realm of community associations and quite often these litigants represent themselves when they file lawsuits against their own association or contest decisions made by the Board of Directors. The result is that sometimes frivolous and expensive litigation occurs that must then […]

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Are Sellers Required to Disclose the Existence of Delinquent HOA Dues?

In Michigan the law is clear as to the duties of condominium associations to provide written statements to purchasers of units located in the condominium regarding unpaid assessments, interest, late charges, fines, costs and attorney fees. However, when it comes to homeowners that own lots in subdivisions governed by a Homeowners’ Association (HOA), the law is not as clear-cut. Therefore, prospective purchasers should be aware of any outstanding items that […]

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State Court dismisses Lawsuit against HOA in Real Property Dispute involving the State of Michigan

Recently, a Circuit Court Judge in Michigan agreed with CMDA that claims made in a lawsuit filed by a group of subdivision homeowners against a neighboring homeowner’s association (HOA) in a pending real property civil action should be dismissed. The underlying facts showed that a collective of Plaintiff homeowners that reside in a subdivision that borders a lake maintained for many years a private road that courses along a canal […]

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