Effectively Handling Unique Elder Law Issues

Effectively Handling Unique Elder Law Issues

In the past, articles have been written on the importance of having an estate plan in place. Going a little deeper, this article concentrates on how to correctly and appropriately handle those unique elder law situations that may arise.

Elder law is different than traditional estate planning in the sense that elder law does not focus on death and taxes. It focuses, rather, on those times when family members need assistance with an important legal matter. Those matters range from simple to unbelievably complex.

Below are a few examples:

• You need to call your mother’s doctor’s office and also her pharmacist to get a prescription straightened out. Neither the doctor’s office nor the pharmacist will give you any information unless you have the legal authority. Our Firm can assist you with getting the legal authority you need.

• Your family has been informed that your father has dementia and should not be driving or handling his own affairs. A social worker told you to go to the probate court for guardian and conservator. Our Firm can assist you with how to go about getting this accomplished without the expense of lifetime probate.

• Your father is in a nursing home. You need to get a Medicaid application in as soon as possible to cover the bills. This complicated application needs to be done correctly the first time or you will face denial and bills in the tens of thousands of dollars. Our Firm can assist you with completing the application correctly the first time and preserving a good part of your father’s lifetime of providence.

• You have an adult disabled son. You want to leave him an inheritance without him losing benefits. Our Firm can assist you with creating a special needs trust.

• You want to apply for Veterans Administration Aid and Attendance benefits for your husband, a veteran of World War II. You were told he might get $1,950 a month from the VA. Now you have learned you and your husband are “over asset.” Our Firm can assist you with getting your rightful benefits and safely preserving your life savings.

• Your wife has Alzheimer’s and is living in a nursing home. You are facing financial ruin. Our Firm can assist you with keeping your home and your lifesavings.

• You and your husband have just retired and are looking forward to travel and adventure. You are both in the pink of health. However, legal documents should be in place should either of you experience a health emergency while traveling. Our Firm can assist you with the creation of these important documents.

An elder law attorney at our Firm can successfully assist you and your family members with handling those unique elder law situations that may arise. Please call our Livonia office at (734) 261-2400 for additional information.


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