USPTO Unveils IP Platform to Connect Innovators of New Products and Technologies for the Prevention, Treatment, and Diagnosis of COVID-19 with Potential Licensees

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently unveiled a web-based intellectual property (IP) marketplace platform to provide the public with a searchable source of patents and published patent applications related to the COVID-19 pandemic that are available for licensing. The new platform, Patents 4 Partnerships, will help facilitate the licensing and commercialization of innovations in key areas of technologies and disseminate valuable patent information. The platform could assist […]

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Joel Ashton Featured Speaker at NAIFA Auto No-Fault Reform Zoom Conference

Joel Ashton, a partner in our Livonia office, was a featured speaker at the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors’ (NAIFA) Auto No-Fault Reform Conference that was held by Zoom due to the Stay at Home and Work Remotely Executive Orders.  His presentation focused on an update to the amendments to the Michigan No-Fault Act. The next phase of the Michigan No-Fault amendments take effect for policies issued or […]

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Reopening of the Workplace: Issues that May Arise and Helpful Tips

As business owners get closer to reopening their doors, it is time to start planning for and anticipating the problems that may arise with our workforce. The following are issues that may arise, along with some helpful tips. Workplace Conditions Governor Whitmer will advise of the required conditions of the workplace such as the wearing of masks, use of partitions, cleaning of areas, use of social distancing, etc. If your […]

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