Account Stated and Open Account Actions Involving Sale of Goods Subject to Michigan’s Six-Year Limitations Period

Whether you are a landlord, a small business owner or an individual undoubtedly you will find yourself in a position in which someone owes you or your business money. Collections can be difficult to pursue on your own, especially when the debtor is resistant to paying his or her debt. Attorneys are often contacted for assistance with collecting debts. Various legal theories can be used when filing a lawsuit, such […]

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Account Stated and Open Account Actions Involving Sale of Goods Subject to Michigan’s Six-Year Limitations Period

Whether you are a landlord, a small business owner or an individual undoubtedly you will find yourself in a position in which someone owes you or your business money.  Collections can be difficult to pursue on your own, especially when the debtor is resistant to paying his or her debt.  Attorneys are often contacted for assistance with collecting debts.  Various legal theories can be used when filing a lawsuit, such as breach of contract, […]

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Supreme Court Raises Bar to Prove Discriminatory Retaliation Cases

In a 5- 4 decision announced June 24, 2013, the United States Supreme Court made it more difficult for workers to prove they have been retaliated against on the job. In the decision of University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v Nassar, the Court clarified the standard for plaintiffs who claim they have faced negative employment decisions in retaliation for complaints of employment discrimination in Title VII actions. Title VII […]

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