Acho Featured in Chaldean News

Acho Featured in Chaldean News

Ron Acho, a co-founder of the Firm, was the recipient of the 2012 Community Service and Dedication Award by the Chaldean American Bar Association (CABA) at a dinner on May 30.  The dinner was attended by hundreds of well-wishers and was a truly spectacular evening for everyone.

The Chaldean News recently wrote a fantastic article on Ron receiving the award. The article points out that Ron has spent his entire career at our Firm, which he joined in 1974 after graduating from the Detroit College of Law.

“To be at the same place your whole career is really unheard of. Most lawyers switch after three years and many have worked at three, four or five law firms,” Acho said. “I like being with the same people for all this time – my paralegal has been with me for almost 30 years and my secretary for almost 20. We have a family atmosphere and people really do care for one another.”

Caring is what sets Acho apart from many other attorneys. Clients appreciate the fact that he is passionate about their cases. “I try to make a difference in people’s lives, and try to help them with their problems as if they were family members,” Acho said. “My one fault, truthfully, is that I get emotionally involved. I can’t stay stoic.”


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